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playground:howtopromo [2024/08/07 00:10] mariaplayground:howtopromo [2024/08/07 08:00] (current) maria
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 - __not confirmed yet:__ attach PDF of full thesis\\  - __not confirmed yet:__ attach PDF of full thesis\\ 
 \\  \\ 
-//An example for the application for admission to the doctoral examination and an example of a cover page for the final printed version are provided on the tik-server under manuscripts/Dissertation_MH//\\  +//An example of the application for admission to the doctoral examination and an example of a cover page for the final printed version are provided on the tik-server under Publications/2024_DissHammer//\\  
 \\  \\ 
 **After acceptance by the faculty comittee and the graduate school (meetings of the GS SimTech usually take place one week after the faculty meetings):**\\  **After acceptance by the faculty comittee and the graduate school (meetings of the GS SimTech usually take place one week after the faculty meetings):**\\